Thursday, December 2, 2010

people residing in villages are said to have been enjoying village life some people say that village are made by god but towns ae made by men at first there were only villages and not towns. Nowdays mony village have turned into town and cities.

people residing in villages are said to have been enjoying village life some people say that village are made by god but towns ae made by men at first there were only villages and not towns. Nowdays mony village have turned into town and cities.
The vilage life is very simple and peaceful.we enjoy there many beautiful sights of nature we see green fields and beautiful flowers.

Rural life

Rural life is a lot better than city life because in the city there is all the people and cars and ... If you like it layed back, more peaceful then rural... What Are The Comparison

better for me at different stages in my life.

better for me at different stages in my life - I grew up in London and there was loads to do and also vast parks nearby .
When I had small children I lived in the country and they got fresh air and a gentle pace of life when they were a bit older we moved to a small town and then as teenagers we lived in Liverpool. Now I am back in the country again as I am getting older and am really appreciating once again the pace of life the beauty and fresh air - less traffic.

I don't think its better just different - Countrylife revolves around seasons city life around whats on.

Country life is very conservative city life is more encompassing of difference. More gossip in the country methinks too. Social relations are different. I think especially an overcrowded city like London people work hard to keep their personal space. Also city dwellers more concerned about self-image.Horses for courses!
Better for what? Each has it's points both good and bad. I have lived many years in the big city, in a small town and I now live in the sticks of Northern California. I grew up in a small, college town, Chico CA, then I lived in San Jose for a year , then 12 years in Berkeley and Oakland and the last 23 years I have spent on top of a mountain ridge in rural Northern CA. I loved being in each place a lot of the time and when I became tired of it I moved on to a place I felt better in. The city is a place to learn about the world real fast, and the country is a good place to learn about yourself over a long period of time.


My personal opinion

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is city life better than country life?

Some people argue that city life is better than country life. However, the authenticity of this statement is dubious. The interpretation of this statement maybe entirely biased depending on the individual. Not everyone suited to the city life and not everyone has the desire to reside permanently in the countryside. You may prefer to be better suited to one type of lifestyle than that of another. Even so, one cannot possibly make a general claim that city life is better than country life. It is really ones perspective whether city life is better than country life. Everyone has unique differences and requirements. Therefore, the better life would have to be the lifestyle that caters for ones necessities.

One would believe that city life is better than country life if the ci

ty life provides ones desires. One may prefer the diverse entertainment sources that are attainable in the city. There are many diverse cultural differences one will experience living in the city. Such as the many various restaurants, nightclubs, major shopping centres, and the cinemas that are accessible in the city.

Moreover, education is easier to obtain in the city because the schools and universities are within reasonable proximity to ones residential area. Transport is not difficult to access. Thus, health facilities and community services are in availability. As a result, individuals are able to live comfortable and healthy lives living in the city.

city life better then village life

It is diffucult to say wether village life is better or the townlife some like the village life while other the city life. Our government is trying to improve the condition of the villages under its develpment schemea

village life

But there are disaduantages also in the village. The roads are not good there is not light in the road at night. The facilities of schools are very poor there are hardly any libraries people cannot learn much about the world. The facilitiea regarding transport is poor and primitive for these reasons their ideas are narrow. life and property are narrow.

village life

People residing in villages are said to have been enjoying village-life. Some people say that village are made by God, but towns are made by men. At first there were only villages and not towns. The village life is very simple and peaceful.We enjoy there many beautiful flowers we see the birds singing on the tress.we can enjoy fresh and pure air.We can get fresh fruits and vegetables. We can enjoy fresh get pure milk and ghee.All these things are cheap in the village-life people can live in the village with a small income. Their wants are few. The peole in the village know one another hence one helps ones neighbours in times of need danger and difficult.