Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bethel Bible Village Names New Executive Director

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Charles S. “Chuck” Baker
The Board of Trustees names Charles S. “Chuck” Baker as Bethel’s fourth executive director. Mr. Baker will assume his role in January.

Bethel Bible Village, a home for children of families in crisis, had its beginning on Signal Mountain in 1954 moving to Hixson in 1969. Ike Keay was named the first executive director followed by Bob McFarland and most recently Myron Wilkins.

Bethel’s mission is to provide safe, nurturing and Christ-centered homes for children of families in crisis, and equip and inspire them to live productive Christian lives.

The following responses describe Baker’s personal spiritual journey and calling to Bethel Bible Village.

Q: How did you first come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?

I grew up in a Christian home and learned the truths of God’s Word at an early age. I placed my faith in Christ and trusted Him to be my Savior and Lord as a young boy in a revival service at First Baptist Church in Seaford, Delaware. My life was forever changed at that moment through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

Q: Tell us about your background, family, and interests.

Originally from Delaware, my Dad (now retired from DuPont) was transferred to Chattanooga when I was in the 9th grade. I graduated from Red Bank High School in 1971 and Carson Newman College in 1975 with a BA degree in Math. I met my wife Cynthia in high school. We will celebrate 36 years of marriage in December. We have one son, Jonathan, a graduate of McCallie School and Auburn University. Jonathan and his wife Amy both work for Unum…we are proud of them both. I enjoy reading, golf, spending time at the lake, and studying God’s Word as I prepare each week to teach a Sunday School class at Hixson First Baptist. I also enjoy college football, attending most Auburn home games (War Eagle!).

Q: You have spent 35 years in business…tell us about your background.

My career, which spans across three companies and five cities, began in 1975 with Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company. I moved to Memphis in 1980 to work for First Tennessee Bank and, in 1982, God provided an opportunity for me to join AT&T in Knoxville. In subsequent years with AT&T, I was transferred to Kingsport and Nashville. I returned to Chattanooga and Provident (now Unum) in 1989 and will complete almost 22 years of service at the end of this year. I have held several different senior operational management positions with Unum including my current position of Vice President, Voluntary Benefits Client Services. I have truly been blessed during my business career. I can clearly see God’s sovereign work in every career move to prepare me for my call to Bethel.

Q: You refer to this as a “call” to Bethel…tell us a little about your journey.

The journey started about five years ago when God began to stir my heart about life after business…what I refer to as the second half of my life. I strongly sensed that God would one day change my focus and direction and call me to some type of ministry, but was not sure where, how, or when. I’ve served on the Bethel Board for four years. In December, 2009, the Board asked me to lead the search committee to find a new Executive Director. After a six-month, nationwide search with over 200 resumes submitted for the position, God had a different plan for Bethel and for my life. Concurrent with the search process, God was stirring my heart and preparing me for His “call”. Through an incredible series of God-ordained events, the search committee asked me to consider the Executive Director position. After seeking God’s direction through prayer, His Word, and counsel from my spiritual mentors, I surrendered to God’s plan and accepted the call. Although not the place or timing that I expected, God worked through our search committee in a special way to confirm His direction and will for my life. I plan to retire from Unum on December 31st and begin my new responsibilities at Bethel on January 1st.

Q: What excites you most about becoming part of the ministry at Bethel?

I’m excited about this change of direction in my life and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children. I’m excited to be active in a ministry whose mission is to “provide safe, nurturing and Christ-centered homes for children of families in crisis.” For over 56 years, God has blessed Bethel and accomplished great things through the Board and staff, but I believe greater things are still to come and I’m excited to be part of God’s future plans for the ministry. Finally, I’m excited to be part of the Bethel “family”…to work with our staff, Board, volunteers, and partners to see “children transformed by the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and empowered to fulfill all of their God-given potential.”

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